25hours Hotel The Circle
Reading Tour with Katharina Katz
Reading Tour with Katharina Katz
at the Co-Working Café
Katharina is an author, journalist and editor for various large publishing houses. She lives with her family in Hamburg, loves Franzbrötchen, all cities by the water and writing. In addition to her own books, Katharina edits non-fiction and how-to books for publishers such as Droemer Knaur, Gräfe und Unzer, Piper and Edel. As a journalist, she writes for various German print and online publications. On 24.01.2025 from 7pm – 9pm you can meet Katharina live at the 25hours Hotel The Circle in Cologne. She will read together with Max Hoffmann a passionate storyteller.
24. Jan. 2025
7pm – 9pm
Co-Working Café
25hours Hotel The Circle
Im Klapperhof 22-24
50670 Köln
From EUR 10
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